Welcome to BUILD GOD, an original powers RP based in the fictional city of Los Eurosia, California — a wanna-be metropolis noted for its lack of law enforcement and rising Gifted activity (likely spurned on by the emergence of the mysterious group 'Blackstorm').

We are a small, laidback roleplay community with lax activity requirements that allows plenty of character freedom. There's ample room for new characters to stand out and we would love to see some fresh faces around the city! What part you choose to play in the growing tension is yours to decide.
OCTOBER 01, 2024 — Activity check completed! If you see anything of yours that was archived that shouldn't have been (or you just want something archived that wasn't), give Mirror or Rinse a shout!
APRIL 23, 2024 — Happy 2nd Anniversary, Build God! c: A huge, huge thank you to our lovely members for another great year! We are so grateful for our community, characters, and all the fun writing we've gotten up to and we wish continued enjoyment to all as we move into our third year. <3
FEBRUARY 01, 2024 — Build God's fourth activity check has been posted in the Announcements board and will last through the entire month of February. If you'd like your characters and their threads to stay where they are, make sure you let us know by the end of the month! c:
    A mystical woman with a spiritual connection to water, Oshiana is the owner of a holistic café. Committed to self-discovery, she's currently embarked on a journey to further understand both herself and her abilities (while helping others along the way).
    Emmy's back home after two years of chasing dreams. Her and Michael have history. They also have more than enough reason (and grudge) to keep their distance. But they've never been perfect at making the best decisions when it comes to each other.
    Presently, Ferris and Darcy are a strong couple with three kids and a mutually-adored marriage. In this flashback/past thread, we get a glimpse of how things began — and it starts with a couple of endings (one attempted and failed, the other final).

Site Necessities

new in town, want someone to show you 'round
Rules & Info ( 5 threads + 10 posts )

A first-stop for any prospective new members who may have questions about our setting, plot, etc. In addition to site rules, this board contains helpful information about member groups, Los Eurosia neighborhoods, etc.

Mirror Avatar
Mirror Aug 23, 2024 12:07:34 GMT -5
Announcements ( 5 threads + 40 posts )

Site events and important Los Eurosia happenings will be posted here. Activity checks, in-character events, and whatever else may arise. Keep an eye out for any new topics!

ghost Avatar
ghost Sept 30, 2024 10:18:13 GMT -5

Character Creation

well, no one knows this place just quite like me
Applications ( 8 threads + 8 posts )

Post your character application here. It will be sorted into the census board upon acceptance. You may post WIPs. If you are pended, you will receive a PM.

Harrison Ostler Avatar
Harrison Ostler Oct 3, 2024 9:56:06 GMT -5
Los Eurosia Census ( 54 threads + 108 posts )

Character applications are moved here upon acceptance. You are welcome to update your apps at any time!

Rinse Avatar
Rinse Oct 8, 2024 15:50:56 GMT -5
Claims ( 5 threads + 9 posts )

Found inside this board is the Face Claim, Powers Claim, Member Directory, and Powers Shop (where you can purchase power upgrades)!

Mirror Avatar
Mirror Sept 21, 2024 6:47:48 GMT -5
Wanted Ads ( 10 threads + 17 posts )

Request plot and characters here. Before writing a request, take a look at characters already on the site to see if they might be able to fill in for your desired plot.

Nix Avatar
Nix Oct 10, 2024 15:29:43 GMT -5

Character Development

don't rely on people you meet, no one is safe in these streets
Plotters ( 14 threads + 149 posts )

The board where members can put their heads together and plot their characters with others. Fall in love. Break hearts. Stab someone?

Emmeline Lowe Avatar
Emmeline Lowe Oct 2, 2024 10:24:18 GMT -5
Development ( 55 threads + 143 posts )

If so desired, you can request your very own development board. Use it however you wish! For storage, journal entries, character playlists, one-shots — whatever!

Nix Avatar
Nix Oct 9, 2024 14:53:50 GMT -5
Communications ( 55 threads + 261 posts )

Leave a voicemail or write a letter! A place for text threads, phone calls, and even snail mail! Or maybe you just want to snoop through a character's phone?

Felix Golding Avatar
Felix Golding Oct 11, 2024 1:16:18 GMT -5
Social Media ( 18 threads + 24 posts )

Post a picture on Instagram or tweet a post! Does your character have an online presence? Share it here!

Dane Wayland Avatar
Dane Wayland Sept 5, 2024 17:04:29 GMT -5

Site Events

don't have a penny but i'll show you a good time
No Current Event ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

There is not a site event running at the moment, stay tuned for one in the future!

Previous Events ( 12 threads + 91 posts )

Past events that have already played out are stored here.

Los Eurosia

i'm gonna take you out tonight, gonna make you feel alright
Parks & Beaches ( 12 threads + 182 posts )

Los Eurosia's beaches are well cared for, and even have a small boardwalk where you can play games and ride the ferris wheel. The parks are also well kept, including the Los Eurosia National Forest.

Seth Perry Avatar
Seth Perry Oct 8, 2024 22:17:40 GMT -5
Nightlife ( 18 threads + 213 posts )

Downtown's club scene is popular among the 20-something crowd, but there are plenty of other scenes for older people as well. Whether it's a little dive bar or a rave that you're looking for, you can find it in this neighborhood.

Noah St Cloud Avatar
Noah St Cloud Oct 12, 2024 13:50:54 GMT -5
Restaurants ( 3 threads + 41 posts )

Need a spot to eat? Well look for one of Los Eurosia's many local restaurants. Or maybe you just want to stop for some McDonald's after a long day of work.

Darius Saeed Avatar
Darius Saeed Oct 2, 2024 6:30:08 GMT -5
Businesses ( 21 threads + 292 posts )

From office buildings to mom and pop shops, you can put all your threads that happen in businesses here.

Darcy Vance Avatar
Darcy Vance Oct 14, 2024 20:47:38 GMT -5
Community & Education ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

Includes the city hall, places of worship, and community centers. Los Eurosia is home to many public and private schooling options. Their accreditied public university, S.C. University, is well-known for its science program.

Residences ( 24 threads + 434 posts )

There's nothing like kicking off your shoes at the end of a long day. Threads that take place in residences and character homes will go here. Make sure to check out the thread on neighborhoods to get a feel for what Los Eurosia looks like.

Mason Lancaster Avatar
Mason Lancaster Oct 8, 2024 21:07:29 GMT -5
Sector HQ ( 1 thread + 25 posts )

A large, clean building that looks just like what you'd expect of any federal agency. Here is where agents of The Sector can write among themselves without anyone knowing better.

Ferris Felwinter Avatar
Ferris Felwinter Oct 5, 2024 20:03:48 GMT -5
Blackstorm Hideout ( 0 threads + 0 posts )

A rather unofficial hideout hidden downtown. It's disguised as a run-of-the-mill corner store with a secret backroom where Blackstorm members hold meetings that are mostly guesswork at who their leader is and what they have planned.


you never, ever felt so far from home
Outside Los Eurosia ( 4 threads + 57 posts )

Any thread that occurs outside of Los Eurosia can be placed here.

Emmeline Lowe Avatar
Emmeline Lowe Oct 12, 2024 6:51:37 GMT -5
Alternate Universes ( 1 thread + 6 posts )

For all your threads that don't take place in Build God's main universe.

Sophia Andrews Avatar
Sophia Andrews Sept 12, 2024 20:03:25 GMT -5

Out of Character

i'll take you where the music plays for free
Chat & Games ( 11 threads + 201 posts )

Here you can talk about whatever you'd like with other members. Make an official introduction or announce your leave. Post OOC games or discussions. Show us your art or poetry. What is everyone watching on Netflix?

Mirror Avatar
Mirror Aug 3, 2024 6:53:59 GMT -5
Suggestions/Help Desk ( 1 thread + 1 post )

Have an idea for a site-wide event? A question you can't find an answer to? Or just want to discuss something that you feel would better the site? Post it here! Suggestions and ideas are always greatly appreciated. Guest-friendly!

Rinse Avatar
Rinse Apr 23, 2023 3:48:20 GMT -5
Advertising ( 438 threads + 492 posts )

No NSFW sites! You may post duplicate ads as long as we can do the same.

Guest Avatar
hanny Oct 14, 2024 21:38:33 GMT -5
Archives ( 317 threads + 1,549 posts )

Inactive threads go here.

Mirror Avatar
Mirror Sept 8, 2024 9:44:33 GMT -5


Recent Threads + Recent Posts

( 0 Staff + 0 Members + 6 Guests )

WELCOME TO THE SITE, Harrison Ostler
1,099 total threads
4,361 total posts
106 total members
Dangerous Liaisons
Power Surge
Fire With Fire
A Bigger Universe
Tempered Calamity
Tokyo Monogatari
In Her Name
Site skin was built off of PHAROAH LEAP's beautiful and amazing skin, HOLY WARS. Writing, posts, images, and graphics all belong to their respective creators.